Paxtonvic’s Blog

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Prayers for the baptism of Christ January 12th 2014

These prayers may be helpful for anyone preparing intercessions for tomorrow.

I have removed local names and situations, but hope they may still be of use.

May God bless all those leading worship tomorrow.

Prayers for the Baptism of Christ.

Creator God, we praise and worship you for your infinite power and love. We thank you that you have washed us clean and that you continue to inspire and refresh us
with your presence. Remind us daily of our baptism in Christ and the ever present possibility of a fresh start and new beginning in Him day by day.

 Lord, in Your mercy

Hear Our Prayer.


At the beginning of this New year we pray that you will fill your church throughout the world with your holy spirit.

 Mindful that Christians worship and gather in many different settings and circumstances, we pray for a church which reaches out not just to those who find faith easy but those who struggle with faith.

 For a church that practices compassion and inclusion.


For pray for our diocese and bishops…      For the clergy, lay ministers and lay people of our Deanery as they plan and pray their way into 2014.


For the parishes of our Deanery….. 

 Lord God, be, we pray, in all our planning and praying  as prepare our worship and  social events  for 2014. May the doors of this church always be wide enough to offer peace and kindness to all who enter in.

 Lord in Your Mercy

Hear Our Prayer.


Loving God, we pray come with power in your world to make your loving kindness and peace known and honoured in every land.

 We pray for peace across the nations of the world, especially those traumatised by violence and  civil war.

 Mindful of the current conflict in South Sudan and the thousands of people who face severe food shortages, we pray for aid to reach these traumatised peoples and an end to the conflict that is causing so much suffering. As the bishops of that country pray, may their people of every race, language, tribe and community  be united in solidarity

 We  pray for peace in Syria, Egypt, Iraq, the troubles areas of the middle east, Afghanistan and the Democratic  Republic of the Congo.

 Lord God, you hold heaven and earth in a single peace.

 Shine your love on the waste of our conflict and sorrow and give peace among the nations and peace in our hearts.

 Lord in Your Mercy

Hear Our Prayer

We turn our thoughts nearer home and mindful of the storms which have battered our country these last days, pray for those suffering the effects of flooding.

Whilst water can be cleansing and is essential for our well being, it can cause much destruction.

 We think of families whose homes and businesses have been damaged

For those who live in fear of further floods

Those who feel anxious for the future.

Be with them, we pray, that they may know the calm of your presence

Through him who stilled the raging of the storm, Jesus Christ Our Lord.

Lord in Your Mercy

Hear Our Prayer

As we move into a new school term, we give thanks for the presence in our communities of our local schools, for the children and staff and parents who made them such important centres of growth and learning.

 We give thanks for the gift of children in our lives, pray for children who live in difficult circumstances.  We ask for your blessing on infants newly born in our community and families awaiting the birth of a child.

 We pray this morning for any we know, younger or older, who are struggling with life at this time whether through illness, uncertainly, stress or worries of some kind.

 By name we carry into your presence, Lord……


We offer to God our own concerns for those we know and love and for ourselves for things which it may be hard to share with others.


Lord, be a tower of strength amidst shifting sands

And fix our hearts on you where peace may be found amidst turmoil and pain.


Lord in Your Mercy

Hear Our Prayer


Lord of life and death

We bring to remembrance those we love but see no longer

Grant us a real and spiritual sense of continuing unity

Being bound together in love in Christ.


Rejoice this morning in the life…….

 May light perpetual shine upon all those we hand over into your tender care.

 Rejoicing in the fellowship of all your saints we commend ourselves and all people to your unfailing love.

 Merciful Father….

January 11, 2014 Posted by | Uncategorized | 3 Comments