Paxtonvic’s Blog

Just another weblog


Crazy about flowers and their colours and textures and scent….

ptunias june 2nd

Petunias at the vicarage

Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.”

Thomas Ken

June 2, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Blog hopping and finding Pentecost

Just had a look on Bishop David Thomson’s excellent blog and have found a picture called “Pentecost” inspired by  Christians in Mafa, North Cameroun. Rather than a sermon, I think  it says it all…so here it is with thanks to Bishop David for finding it….

Pentecost Jafa

The woman sitting in  blue is Jesus’ mother – still waiting upon God. – that is Bishop David’s wordpress address.

Here is a prayer for Pentecost which Nick Gellatly  kindly sent me yesterday:

God ground of our hope,
When we are cast down keep alive in us the spirit of hope.
Fill us with joy and peace as we the life of faith until by the power of the Holy Spirit we overflow with hope through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Off to choir practice at Little Paxton Church…

June 2, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Early morning photo shoot at Great Paxton

Well, here are three brave ladies posing for the Hunts Post early in the morning on the chancel steps of Great Paxton Church – complete with jim jams, teddy bear and mattress….

three ladies in gp church june 2nd

Vall See, Val Manning and me – what are we like? Val Manning, head teacher at GP school, is still insisting on sleeping in a tent….

The Living Water Festival is gaining momentum as the exhibits are created this week – its going to be a fascinating show all about water…

Listened to a programme as I drove back on Radio4 about the rights and wrongs of zoos in this country. Its repeated tonight on Radio 4 at 9.30pm – worth  a listen – im still in two minds aboout whether its ethically right to keep wild animals enclosed.

For more action shots from GP church this morning, at your own convenience go to

June 2, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment