Paxtonvic’s Blog

Just another weblog

Bells, bells, bells at Little Paxton.

Just two more days to go – well, if you are passionate about something its best to get on with the passion and go for it.

Saw the first two projects on Anglia ITV news programme this evening which are up against each other for the Peoples Millions £50K. Each project got about 2 mins of TV coverage – not very long really. Its hard that someone has got to loose – but thats the name of the game at the  moment with this competition.

I was reading the ” Seeround” – the Diocesan newsletter for St Albans Diocese today. On the front they featured the new ring of 13 bells at St Albnas Abbey and what a magnificant sound they must give off on a Sunday morning!

We are only going for 6 – but a respectable number for ringers to make a joyful sound with.

Here is an ancient bell inscription which is printed on the front of the magazine:

“I praise the true God,

I call the people, I assemble the clergy,

I bewail the dead,

I disperse storm clouds,

I do honour to feasts”

Love it – bells used to have a vital role in a community – old fashioned twitter I suppose!

Vote for Little Paxton Bells! Number on paxtonvic on Wednesday – anyone in the UK can vote! – up to ten times….

November 22, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment