Paxtonvic’s Blog

Just another weblog

Little Paxton Royal Village Fayre November 19th 2011- some photos

Lots of excited reports from those who were there….. a very well supported “”Royal” Fayre with indeed plenty of people dressed in funny clothes.

Artisan Mick, Kind Peter and er, retainer Ken.

Love the ” hose” Peter!

Crowd scene.

Rule Britannia!

Mistress Ede, Mistress Alison and Mistress Lynn

The Book Stall is everlasting!

Mistress of the conserves Christine of The Jam Jar Kingdom.

I hope all the stall holders were pleased with their profits.

The church stalls made £843.10.

Here in the UK some of us are watching ” Strictly Come Dancing”…. I see a strange man called Russel Grant flying in from the sky with a yellow jump suit on. I could do that…. but then again it might compromise my nicely healing stitches so wont try it at the moment!

Lovely just to see my son and girlfriend along with new doggie Charlie and in a moment daughter is arriving from Coventry. Might just peep at the X-Factor.

Funny not to be going to church in the morning but got to take it easy for a week or two. Have a good evening everyone.

November 19, 2011 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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