Paxtonvic’s Blog

Just another weblog

Scenes from parish life

Saturday’s weddng – Paul and Kalu at Little Paxton Church. What a joy to be with them and their family and friends from all over the world….

The champers was very nice afterwards ….. it softened the blow of Man United loosing to Barcelona….

This wrought iron holder has been in the chancel at St James  I imagine  for some time, but of late with nothing in it. But Kalu decorated the church very simply with glass bowls on the window ledges – and we came up with the idea of putting one into the holder – here it is complete with candle. It looked lovely….

Meanwhile, at Great Paxton a few hours before….

A keen audience of people from our Deanery listened intently as Scilla Latham, the Ely Diocesan Churches Support Officer told us about the many imaginative projects taking place in the Cambridgeshire/Norfolk area which are making churches more flexible in use. Once upon a time many activites took place in the nave of the building…until Georgiana nd Victorian pews made all that very difficult. We spent some time talking about pews….in or out??


Rogation Sunday……. started in a lovely way for Paxtonvic. One of our ladies in Little Paxton church, Pauline, has made a charming cot quilt with Noah’s ark pictures on…. and to raise funds for our CHUFT project, I agreed to sell it on e-bay for her, which I did. I had an e-mail from the lady who bid for it and won to say it would be for her infant son who has problems with his eyesight…. we never know when we make something, or say something or do something quite who it might effect and help in positive ways. Here is Pauline with her quilt at Great Paxton Church.

After a magnificent lunch with a  GP family ( lots of thinking about what our next project in church should be – effective heating has got to be top of the list!) back to Little Paxton to meet a family who   gather from different parts of the country at  LP churchyard once a year in May to remember a young family member, Paul,  who died 52 years ago in a local childrens home then called Riversfield House.

It is still there, in a poor state now, in the midst of the new Mill Lane site development. Whether it will be pulled down and apartments build on the site or whether it will be refurbished I dont know – I got conflicting stories today from folk I met on the site.  After prayers and thoughts in the churchyard we went over to look at Riversfield House until the family took leave and I spent some time walking round the new pathways of the development.

And then back at home, some time in the garden and watering my plants

My day actually started listening to Radio 4 just after 8.00am and the endless acrimonious debate about Gay Bishops and priests in the Church of England What makes me sad and cross is that whilst every day parish life would never hit the headlines, the ongoing tensions within the wider church do – and to my mind are given far more importance than they deserve. If anyone wants to read a balanced and informative opinion on this topic, try reading the “Church Mouse” Blog entry for May 28th 2011

Tomorrow – who knows…. thats what I  love about this way of life!

May 29, 2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment